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Trojan Press was set up as an offset-litho service printing co-operative in 1980. Starting off in a leaky shed in Stoke Newington, they were then based in Bradbury Street, Dalston. Bradbury Street was an ambitious project by Hackney Co-operative Developments to provide premises and support for co-operative businesses. Trojan ran a single colour press, printing newsletters, pamphlets and books. They also co-produced and distributed a range of posters with a number of designers including Biff, Ray Lowry and Clifford Harper (who designed the catalogue cover below). Trojan adopted digital technology early on, firstly the Amstrad for their office systems and then Apple Macs. Trojan later moved to premises in Downham Road, off Kingsland Road in Hackney. They absorbed members of Community Press (Islington) when that press folded in the late 1980s. Trojan closed in the early 1990s. There are a collection of photos from Trojan Press on the web site of Tony Swash who was one of the founders of the Trojan Co-op. The photos are here

trojan_press.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/18 23:44 by jessbai